Running low on battery power affects productivity. Running low on cash flow affects the entire business.
CashFlow Guarantee is the power bank that will improve your cash flow immediately, improving profitability over time.
To achieve consistent, predictable cashflow, Debtsource is proud to introduce CashFlow Guarantee, a one cost solution incorporating comprehensive Credit Management and Short-Term Working Capital, tailored to a company’s specific requirements.
Funding is offered in collaboration with Debtsource services to assist companies with predictable cash flow, which can be used to obtain better supplier discounts or even to offer debtors extended terms for a competitive advantage.
CashFlow Guarantee is backed by complete credit management and insurance broking assistance from Debtsource with excellent reporting and support from our legendary Debtman platform.
The solution for CashFlow management
Companies with a good credit rating often find themselves in a temporary cashflow squeeze caused by delays in receiving payments from debtors.
This could be as a result of a credit insurance claim, a dispute with a debtor, a payment that needs to be recovered via pre-legal or legal action, or even a delay in being able to deliver the goods to the debtor timeously. To help our clients manage their cashflow in these cases, Debtsource has launched CashFlow Assist – a solution that is available to all qualifying clients.
Debtsource has partnered with select funding providers to deliver a tailored cashflow solution.
More details
For more information on Debtsource’s CashFlow Assist solution download the full brochure
or email [email protected] and we will contact you
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